Friday, August 20, 2010

A New Religious Endeavor


So, after all of the posts I have made about being a "deist" and having no interest in following any sort of organized religion, I have decided that before I can give up on religion entirely, I want to find out more about what is out there in terms of established religions. I was born Catholic, I went through my "born again" phase, but never went beyond the realm of Christianity. And since I decided I do not believe in the "Holy Trinity" and I DO NOT accept Jesus Christ as my "Lord and Savior", I kind of decided that I would just accept the idea of a "Higher Power" and leave it at that. But, I have always wanted to learn more about OTHER religious traditions, specifically Islam.

One of my pen pals is a Muslim. After writing to him about how I had received a free copy of the Qur'an several years ago, which was subsequently taken from me BEFORE I had the chance to look it over, he offered to teach me what it is that HE believes as a practicing Sunni Muslim since 1978. He said he is going to send me a copy of the version of the Qur'an HE prefers, as well as some study materials. Since I have been interested in learning more about Islam for about 6 or 7 years now, I decided to take him up on his offer.

Now, I may read all of the material he sends me and decide that it does not coincide with my personal belief system. Or, I may study the material and decide that Islam is the appropriate choice for me. I really do not know. But, just as I gave Christianity a chance (well, MANY CHANCES) in the past, I am going to do the same with Islam.

I am going to keep an open mind as I speak with my friend and read the things he sends to me. There is really no harm in learning more about Islam, even if I decide that it is NOT for me. Only good can come from opening my horizons to new information.